Friday, 20 July 2018


The teen years are a time to move away from family and prepare to leave home, a necessary but often painful step on the road to adulthood. We band together with our peers in an attempt to find acceptance. It is a time to learn empathy, realism and street smarts.  Unfortunately, this does not often include gainful employment.

36" x 31"
acrylic/oil on canvas

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


Apologies for taking so long to post but life has taken a few unexpected turns. I am now back in my studio producing new works so thought a good time to post a painting from the last series that expresses my current reality.

With age comes the peace of acceptance of who we are and where we are in life. The “Hanged Man’ is upside down but not worried about it. It just gives him a different perspective. This is a time to go with the flow and accept the changes that are occurring. A time to reflect upon life and his actions so far and gain a deeper understanding of what is really important.

30" x 24"
oil on canvas